Monday, 6 August 2012


I just submitted my game and I am waiting for it to be certified by Microsoft. The submission process is long and tiring, or so it seemed because I was anxious to get my game submitted and first I had to fix some stuff to hand it in.  When I checked the guidelines I found out I had to add a Settings screen to control the background music and sound effects and then I had to create a number of screen shots.
For people who haven’t published a game. Here are the general steps:
·         First consolidate your program into a Xap file by changing the device setting to Windows Phone and debug to release. Then choose the Build Solution from the Build menu in Visual Studio, this makes the required Xap file. Find it and enter it on the App Hub submission web page.
·         Then name your game and include a short description and detailed description. Pick a price. I chose 99 cents.
·         Choose which countries your game will be available in – I chose everywhere!
·         Upload screenshots and artwork.
·         Choose download and certification information – if you want your game to be immediately available in the marketplace – I chose yes!
·         Then submit.

Sorry if I missed anything but you can easily find the list on Microsoft development websites!

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